Sunday, October 24, 2010

new work: "Trilo-Paddlepsis"

I just completed this paddle-wheeled vessel used by a trilobite to survive various extinctions:

"Trilo-Paddlepsis" - found object assemblage/welded steel, 50" h x 36" w x 12" d, 10-2010

full view

detail of the Captain

detail of the port-side view

detail of the gearing

detail of the paddle-wheel mechanism

I was invited to show at this event in March next year:
which is where this piece will be exhibited.
While I don't set out to make work that is "steampunk" style, I can see how it fits in with their aesthetic. But there is nothing truly modern about this vessel - if anything, it's Victorian technology (paddle-wheel ship) meets Paleozoic era (trilobites) just posted my recent piece, "MortalCycle":

more new work in a couple of days, stay tuned.